The chart below details most of the common variable types, as well as their size and possible values.
C# Type | .Net Framework (System) type | Signed? | Bytes Occupied | Possible Values |
sbyte | System.Sbyte | Yes | 1 | -128 to 127 |
short | System.Int16 | Yes | 2 | -32768 to 32767 |
int | System.Int32 | Yes | 4 | -2147483648 to 2147483647 |
long | System.Int64 | Yes | 8 | -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807 |
byte | System.Byte | No | 1 | 0 to 255 |
ushort | System.Uint16 | No | 2 | 0 to 65535 |
uint | System.UInt32 | No | 4 | 0 to 4294967295 |
ulong | System.Uint64 | No | 8 | 0 to 18446744073709551615 |
float | System.Single | Yes | 4 | Approximately ±1.5 x 10-45 to ±3.4 x 1038 with 7 significant figures |
double | System.Double | Yes | 8 | Approximately ±5.0 x 10-324 to ±1.7 x 10308 with 15 or 16 significant figures |
decimal | System.Decimal | Yes | 12 | Approximately ±1.0 x 10-28 to ±7.9 x 1028 with 28 or 29 significant figures |
char | System.Char | N/A | 2 | Any Unicode character (16 bit) |
bool | System.Boolean | N/A | 1 / 2 | true or false |