The GSM modem will respond in 2 ways, “ERROR” will be returned if the AT command is not supported.If the command is executed successfully an OK will be returned after the response text.e.g.
response text will be as follows;
+CBC :(0,2),(0-100)
List of AT Commands
- AT Attention command
- AT* List all supported AT commands
- ATZ Restore to user profile (ver. 2)
- AT&F Set to factory-defined configuration (ver. 2)
- ATI Identification information (ver. 3)
- AT&W Store user profile
- AT+CLAC List all available AT commands
- AT+CGMI Request manufacturer identification (ver. 1)
- AT+CGMM Request model identification
- AT+CGMR Request revision identification
- AT+CGSN Request product serial number identification
- AT+GCAP Request modem capabilities list
- AT+GMI Request manufacturer information
- AT+GMM Request model identification
- AT+GMR Request revision identification
- ATA Answer incoming call command (ver. 2)
- ATH Hook control (ver. 2)
- ATD Dial command (ver. 5)
- ATO Return to online data mode
- AT+CVHU Voice hangup control
- AT+CLCC List current calls
- AT*CPI Call progress information
- ATE Command echo (ver. 2)
- ATSO Automatic answer control
- ATS2 Escape sequence character
- ATS3 Command line termination character (ver. 3)
- ATS4 Response formatting character (ver. 3)
- ATS5 Command line editing character (ver. 3)
- ATS7 Completion connection timeout
- ATS10 Automatic disconnect delay control
- ATQ Result code suppression (ver. 2)
- ATV DCE response mode (ver. 2)
- ATX Call progress monitoring control
- AT&C Circuit 109 (DCD) control
- AT&D Circuit 108 (DTR) response
- AT+IFC Cable interface DTE-DCE local flow control
- AT+ICF Cable interface character format (ver. 2)
- AT+IPR Cable interface port rate
- AT+ILRR Cable interface local rate reporting
- AT+DS Data compression (ver. 3)
- AT+DR Data compression reporting
- AT+WS46 Mode selection
- AT+FCLASS Select mode
- AT*ECBP CHF button pushed (ver. 2)
- AT+CMUX Switch to 07.10 multiplexer (ver. 2)
- AT*EINA Ericsson system interface active
- AT*SEAM Add menu item
- AT*SESAF SEMC show and focus
- AT*SELERT SEMC create alert (information text)
- AT*SESTRI SEMC create string Input
- AT*SELIST SEMC create list
- AT*SETICK SEMC create ticker
- AT*SEDATE SEMC create date field
- AT*SEGAUGE SEMC create gauge (bar graph/progress feedback)
- AT*SEGUP SEMC update gauge (bar graph/ progress feedback)
- AT*SEONO SEMC create on/off input
- AT*SEYNQ SEMC create yes/no question
- AT*SESLE SEMC soft key label (ver. 1)
- AT*SERSK SEMC remove soft key
- AT*SEUIS SEMC UI session establish/terminate
- AT*EIBA Ericsson Internal Bluetooth address
- AT+BINP Bluetooth input
- AT+BLDN Bluetooth last dialled number
- AT+BVRA Bluetooth voice recognition activation
- AT+NREC Noise reduction and echo cancelling
- AT+VGM Gain of microphone
- AT+VGS Gain of speaker
- AT+BRSF Bluetooth retrieve supported
- AT+GCLIP Graphical caller ID presentation
- AT+CSCS Select TE character set (ver. 3)
- AT+CHUP Hang up call
- AT+CRC Cellular result codes (ver. 2)
- AT+CR Service reporting control
- AT+CV120 V.120 rate adaption protocol
- AT+VTS DTMF and tone generation
- AT+CBST Select bearer service type (ver. 3)
- AT+CRLP Radio link protocol (ver. 2)
- AT+CEER Extended error report (ver. 2)
- AT+CHSD HSCSD device parameters (ver. 2)
- AT+CHSN HSCSD non-transparent call configuration (ver. 2)
- AT+CHSC HSCSD current call parameters (ver. 2)
- AT+CHSR HSCSD parameters report (ver. 2)
- AT+CHSU HSCSD automatic user-initiated upgrade
- AT+CNUM Subscriber number (ver. 2)
- AT+CREG Network registration (ver. 2)
- AT+COPS Operator selection (ver. 2)
- AT+CLIP Calling line identification (ver. 2)
- AT+CLIR Calling line identification restriction
- AT+CCFC Calling forwarding number and conditions (ver. 2)
- AT+CCWA Call waiting (ver. 2)
- AT+CHLD Call hold and multiparty (ver. 1)
- AT+CSSN Supplementary service notification (ver. 2)
- AT+CAOC Advice of charge
- AT+CACM Accumulated call meter (ver. 2)
- AT+CAMM Accumulated call meter maximum
- AT+CDIP Called line identification presentation
- AT+COLP Connected line identification presentation
- AT+CPOL Preferred operator list
- AT+COPN Read operator names
- AT*EDIF Divert function (ver. 2)
- AT*EIPS Identify presentation set
- AT+CUSD Unstructured supplementary service data (ver. 2)
- AT+CLCK Facility lock (ver. 5)
- AT+CPWD Change password (Ver. 3)
- AT+CFUN Set phone functionality (ver. 2)
- AT+CPAS Phone activity status (ver. 3)
- AT+CPIN PIN control (ver. 2)
- AT+CBC Battery charge (ver. 2)
- AT+CSQ Signal quality (ver.1)
- AT+CKPD Keypad control (ver. 7)
- AT+CIND Indicator control (ver. 5)
- AT+CMAR Master reset
- AT+CMER Mobile equipment event reporting
- AT*ECAM Ericsson call monitoring (ver. 2)
- AT+CLAN Language
- AT*EJAVA Ericsson Java application function
- AT+CSIL Silence Command
- AT*ESKL Key-lock mode
- AT*ESKS Key sound
- AT*EAPP Application function (ver. 5)
- AT+CMEC Mobile equipment control mode
- AT+CRSM Restricted SIM access
- AT*EKSE Ericsson keystroke send
- AT+CRSL Ringer sound level (ver. 2)
- AT+CLVL Loudspeaker volume level
- AT+CMUT Mute control
- AT*EMEM Ericsson memory management
- AT+CRMP Ring melody playback (ver. 2)
- AT*EKEY Keypad/joystick control (ver. 2)
- AT*ECDF Ericsson change dedicated file
- AT*STKC SIM application toolkit configuration
- AT*STKE SIM application toolkit envelope command send
- AT*STKR SIM application toolkit command response
- AT+CMEE Report mobile equipment error
- AT+CSMS Select message service (ver.2)
- AT+CPMS Preferred message storage (ver. 4)
- AT+CMGF Message format (ver. 1)
- AT+CSCA Service centre address (ver. 2)
- AT+CSAS Save settings
- AT+CRES Restore settings
- AT+CNMI New messages indication to TE (ver. 4)
- AT+CMGL List message (ver. 2)
- AT+CMGR Read message (ver. 2)
- AT+CMGS Send message (ver. 2)
- AT+CMSS Send from storage (ver. 2)
- AT+CMGW Write message to memory (ver. 2)
- AT+CMGD Delete message
- AT+CMGC Send command (ver. 1)
- AT+CMMS More messages to send
- AT+CGDCONT Define PDP context (ver. 1)
- AT+CGSMS Select service for MO SMS messages
- AT+CGATT Packet service attach or detach
- AT+CGACT PDP context activate or deactivate
- AT+CGDATA Enter data state
- AT+CGEREP Packet domain event reporting (ver. 1)
- AT+CGREG Packet domain network registration status
- AT+CGPADDR Show PDP address
- AT+CGDSCONT Define secondary PDP context
- AT+CGTFT Traffic flow template
- AT+CGEQREQ 3G quality of service profile (requested)
- AT+CGEQMIN 3G quality of service profile (minimum acceptable)
- AT+CGEQNEG 3G quality of service profile (negotiated)
- AT+CGCMOD PDP context modify
- Extension of ATD – Request GPRS service
- Extension of ATD – Request packet domain IP service
- AT+CPBS Phonebook storage (ver. 3)
- AT+CPBR Phonebook read (ver. 2)
- AT+CPBF Phonebook find (ver. 2)
- AT+CPBW Phonebook write (ver. 4)
- AT+CCLK Clock (ver. 4)
- AT+CALA Alarm (ver. 3)
- AT+CALD Alarm delete
- AT+CAPD Postpone or dismiss an alarm (ver. 2)
- AT*EDST Ericsson daylight saving time
- AT+CIMI Request international mobile subscriber identity
- AT*EPEE PIN event
- AT*EAPS Active profile set
- AT*EAPN Active profile rename
- AT*EBCA Battery and charging algorithm (ver. 4)
- AT*ELIB Ericsson list Bluetooth devices
- AT*EVAA Voice answer active (ver. 1)
- AT*EMWS Magic word set
- AT+CPROT Enter protocol mode
- AT*EWDT WAP download timeout
- AT*EWBA WAP bookmark add (ver. 2)
- AT*EWCT WAP connection timeout
- AT*EIAC Internet account, create
- AT*EIAD Internet account configuration, delete
- AT*EIAW Internet account configuration, write general parameters
- AT*EIAR Internet account configuration, read general parameters
- AT*EIAPSW Internet account configuration, write PS bearer parameters
- AT*EIAPSR Internet account configuration, read PS bearer parameters
- AT*EIAPSSW Internet account configuration, write secondary PDP context parameters
- AT*EIAPSSR Internet account configuration, read secondary PDP context parameters
- AT*EIACSW Internet account configuration, write CSD bearer parameters
- AT*EIACSR Internet account configuration, read CSD bearer parameters
- AT*EIABTW Internet account configuration, write Bluetooth bearer parameters
- AT*EIABTR Internet account configuration, read Bluetooth bearer parameters
- AT*EIAAUW Internet account configuration, write authentication parameters
- AT*EIAAUR Internet account configuration, read authentication parameters
- AT*EIALCPW Internet account configuration, write PPP parameters – LCP
- AT*EIALCPR Internet account configuration, read PPP parameters – LCP
- AT*EIAIPCPW Internet account configuration, write PPP parameters – IPCP
- AT*EIAIPCPR Internet account configuration, read PPP parameters – IPCP
- AT*EIADNSV6W Internet account configuration, write DNS parameters – IPv6CP
- AT*EIADNSV6R Internet account configuration, read DNS parameters – IPv6CP
- AT*EIARUTW Internet account configuration, write routing table parameters
- AT*EIARUTD Internet account configuration, delete routing table parameters
- AT*EIARUTR Internet account configuration, read routing table parameters
- AT*SEACC Accessory class report
- AT*SEACID Accessory identification
- AT*SEACID2 Accessory identification (Bluetooth)
- AT*SEAUDIO Accessory class report
- AT*SECHA Charging control
- AT*SELOG SE read log
- AT*SEPING SE ping command
- AT*SEAULS SE audio line status
- AT*SEFUNC SE functionality status (ver. 2)
- AT*SEFIN SE flash Information
- AT*SEFEXP Flash auto exposure setting from ME
- AT*SEMOD Camera mode indicator to the flash
- AT*SEREDI Red eye reduction indicator to the flash
- AT*SEFRY Ready indicator to the ME
- AT*SEAUP Sony Ericsson audio parameters
- AT*SEVOL Volume level
- AT*SEVOLIR Volume indication request
- AT*SEBIC Status bar icon
- AT*SEANT Antenna identification
- AT*SESP Speakermode on/off
- AT*SETBC Text to bitmap converter
- AT*SEAVRC Sony Ericsson audio video remote control
- AT*SEMMIR Sony Ericsson multimedia information request
- AT*SEAPP Sony Ericsson application
- AT*SEAPPIR Sony Ericsson application indication request
- AT*SEJCOMM Sony Ericsson Java comm
- AT*SEDUC Sony Ericsson disable USB charge
- AT*SEABS Sony Ericsson accessory battery status
- AT*SEAVRCIR Sony Ericsson audio video remote control indication request
- AT*SEGPSA Sony Ericsson global positioning system accessory
- AT*SEAUDIO Accessory class report
- AT*SEGPSA Sony Ericsson global positioning system accessory
- AT*SEAUDIO Accessory Class Report
- AT*SEGPSA Sony Ericsson global positioning system accessory
- AT*SETIR Sony Ericsson time information request
- AT*SEMCM Sony Ericsson memory card management
- AT*SEAUDIO Accessory Class Report